1 week, 3 legs..

It’s now been a whole week since Lloyds amputation and he is doing well.

He started responding more to play last night. He has a little cat tent that my boss bought him after his third op last year and whenever he’s playing with a string toy he always gets in the tent and attacks the toy from inside. Last night he kept getting in the tent which meant he wanted to play, and play he did!

We also had lots of purrs in the middle of the night!!! None so far during the day but it’s a huge improvement and he is looking and acting much more like my Lloydy. I even got voluntary cuddles today on the sofa which literally made my week!

Look at that face 🥰
So happy! 😊

I went to work today but only for a few hours and kept checking on him on the camera, but he was fine just slept the whole time. When I got home he got up and wanted to come downstairs. He still amazes me how he gets around. He even manages his litter tray surprisingly well.

The vets called me today to check up on him and also to thank me for some cupcakes I sent, just a small thank you for looking after him so well. Taking him to the specialist referral hospital was always such a horrible experience but it’s a world away from taking him to his local vet where they are so caring and kind to him.

So we’re doing well, I’m beyond pleased to see his personality coming back through and looking forward to the stitches coming out and him getting back to ‘normal’

4 thoughts on “1 week, 3 legs..”

  1. This is a GREAT update!!!! Purring, playing, cuddling…HUGE VICTORIES!!!!

    Lloyd is getting his sparkle back pretty darn fast for this early on!😁

    Sweet, sweet photos. He looks like such a lovebug❤

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

  2. Im glad your kitty is doing so well. It brings me hope. Next week I will be having my cat’s hind leg amputated due to cancer. She is 17 so I’m very worried about her recovery. How old is your cat? Do you have any suggestions on the best way to handle the first few days at home?

    1. Hi, Congratulations on finding the tripawds websites! I can’t begin to tell you how much reading these blogs helped me when Lloyd was booked in for his amputation. If all of these stories are anything to go by, your cat is going to be absolutely fine.
      Lloyd is 10 and he did have the added ‘benefit’ of having got used to mainly being on three legs due to his injury so I think he is coping particularly well. Without a hind leg your cat may find things like jumping etc a bit more of a challenge. If you see my post where I have a picture of his room the steps are brilliant for getting up and down from the bed. Although, Lloyd did fall off the bed in the first few days so if you can, keep your cat low down or on the floor and restrict access to anything high up just until she gets her balance and the wound heals up.
      There isn’t that much you can really ‘do’ for them just mainly love, lots and lots of love. Lloyd had a good few days of being very down and depressed and we were worried that his personality might have changed and the old Lloyd wouldn’t come back, but he’s already back and it didn’t take long. Just remember the healing is a process that they AND YOU have to get through but they will get through it.
      I’d also 109% recommend starting one of these blogs, it helps so much to talk/write about it and you get lots of lovely messages of support from the tripawds community.
      All the best and do keep us informed x

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