Birthday Poop!!

I had the best birthday present ever the morning of my birthday! a birthday poop from Lloyd! an hour or so before we were going away for the day/night which meant I didn’t need to worry about him not going! yaaaaay!!

I also had the best present from Russell, a cushion with Lloyds picture on it so i could take it away with us and still get to cuddle ‘him’.

Lloyd cushion

And my sister made me a birthday cake with a little Lloyd in icing.

My birthday cake

I had a lovely birthday night away and when we got back the following day we took Lloyd to the vets to have his final few sutures removed. We have to keep he cone on him for a few days as he won’t leave the wound alone.

One thought on “Birthday Poop!!”

  1. Truly the best birthday evvver!!! Loyd popped! Uoj fot a SPECTACULAR cake! You got a “Loyd pillow” to cuddle even if you are away from Floyd!

    Loooove this update and birthday celebration!!! Grinning ear to ear over here!!

    Happh Poop Dance..and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!❤

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